Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Red Derby tonight, and an end to the blog


Last minute change to Happy Hour tonight - it will be at Red Derby at 3718 14th Street starting around 6 or 6:30.

And, as an end to an era and a beginning of a new one, this will be the final blog posting. If you've been a frequent Wednesday happy hourer, you'll most likely be getting future emails about happy hours. If not, contact whoever you know on the happy hour group and you can get added back to the email list if you'd like to join us at happy hour!

Signing off,


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Young and the Professional 07.01.09

Hey people,

I already wrote up this damn thing and then lost it so you're getting the abridged version.

There is a Professionals in the City event poolside at the Washington Plaza Hotel which sounds pretty sweet. Check out the third event at this link.

There is Bangkok One in the vicinity for cheap drinks and thai food.

There is Palette with what seems to be a degree of hipness unusually present at our gatherings. Seems cool.

Jump on the wagon, Rock the Vote, and professionalize yo'sef!


Monday, June 22, 2009

Center of the Universe HH 06.24.09

Hey people,

This week we're thinking about participating in some social life in what I fondly call the CENTER of the UNIVERSE. Here are our thoughts for the week:

Main show;
Buffalo Billiards
Charity special - $5 for a bracelet which extends happy hour by 2 hours until 9:00pm. Figure you get two drinks after 7 you've made your money back potentially plus (lush, yeah I'm talking to you!)

$2.75 Miller lite, bud lite bottle and draft, $3.50 rail drinks, $3 coronas, select half prices apps.
Bracelet proceeds go to NCSC (Newcomer Community Service Center) which is a minority-based non-profit organization that helps refugees and immigrants from all countries achieve self-sufficiency and become participating members of American Society.

After hours;
18th Street Lounge
Hopping place to go hear some sweet reggae on Wednesday nights. Dreads optional.

Hope to see you people there! I will take any and all challengers at billiards. I used to be good and now I suck so this is a really good opportunity to try to fleece me out of some serious cash.


p.s. This weekend is the 17th Annual Safeway National Capital Barbecue Battle.
Check it out.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

As If Ethiopia Really Needed to be Belittled

Well, Team, last week's Gang Out was a success in that we got a healthy bunch out to previously uncharted waters, and the HH followed by a show brought even a few more participants (and whether or not they actually "participated," I'll leave that up to history to decide).

This week we're sticking to the "there's a show worth seeing so let's try to be in the 'hood for it" theme. This week: Little Ethiopia.

6:30 or so (this part is democratic):
Queen Makeda - an appropriately Ethiopian establishment in Little Ethiopia.
El Sol - no web site so unsure about specials, but it's got a number of reviews, and PoP could use our rating...
Expo Lounge - probably not the cheapest or dive-i-est of all venues, but they've got hot cornbread & butter during HH...
1905 - 1/2 priced wine by the bottle utnil 7pm.

8:30pm (this is a bit oligarchical):
DC9 to watch "The Dig," or DC9 to rock it out downstairs. Thanks to a Gang Out contributor for this suggestion!

Vote, fools.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

If You Like to Breathe...

You'll love Airness. If you like life (i.e. breathing regulary) , you'll probably love sex.

Come to Gang Out this week for a fun Happy Hour in advance of the most awesomest of awesome and wacky competitions, Air Sex.

!! Get your tickets, people:

Oh, and support our unique form of democracy, too:

The Pug:

Sticky Rice:

H Street Country Club:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"Please Define Art" Happy Hour 6.3.9

Hey people,

This week we have an opportunity to spend our Happy Hour in a place of unbridled artistic and cultural richness, namely, the DC Artomatic.

Many of us have also contributed to a piece of "art" that was entered in the show. It is on the ninth floor of the building facing the Nationals' stadium. The show is in the same building as the Navy Yard Metro Stop.

There is music, dancing, photography, painting, sculpture and more.
Here is a calendar of events.

There is cheap beer from Flying Dog and more, as well as Red Bull galore. There's also a SmartFood cart out front.

Here are some photos of the incredible "art" to be found at the 10th Anniversary of the DC Artomatic!

Artomatic closes at 10:00pm so get there early and we'll hit some nearby bars afterwards on Barracks row or metro to somplace else. Let me know if you have any questions people. If you don't have my cell already and have questions email me. Yay.

Cheers and see you tomorrow!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Life is a Weekend

So the weather may have been pristine, but Lucky Bar provided an old familiar look and feel for this Wednesday's Gang Out: an indoor, beer-scented environment with more access to liquor than windows or water. And while the 'Outers may have spoken about art, the Banda Sea sea, and the benefits of more formal dresswear in the classroom, one thing couldn't escape this group: the weekend.

Who really has time for much in a M-F kind of world? We're considered not to "have a life" if we don't do stuff outside of work, and yet we work and are often bums during the week because of it. I think all signs point north here folks, our life is a weekend. Let me explain.

So even if Friday's party was one heck of a success, surely the team would've gotten over the weekend and on to talking about bigger, better, and more important things had it not been for Saturday morning's pole-dancing, followed by saturday afternoon's oxygen high, or the mid-afternoon #18-winning contest. But still, the weekend permeated all, even after reminiscing about the deliciousness of the triple-meatwich, and a winning ticket here and there after there were finally zero MTP for the Preakness, and yes, even after Round 5 of the day that included a stopover in downtown Baltimore followed by the craziest and most dangerous ride you've ever known.

And if not then, then surely conversation would have shifted after having recounted a weekend-long need for BBQ/foot massage, a bout with some home-grown karaoke, a derby-style game of boat races, and yes, you heard right, the baby-faced neighbors were severely shamed.

And so with little sleep and a whole lot to say, Team Gang Out moved on from one crazy weekend, skipping the mundane, and launching right into the next: next weekend! Jazz is back, Month of Bess is coming to a raucus close, Pierre is turning 30, Artomatic is in high gear, and Monday's a holiday, making it an extra-long weekend. And so without really even thinking about it, and in only a blink of an eye... we're at it all over again.

See you Wednesday...