Tuesday, June 16, 2009

As If Ethiopia Really Needed to be Belittled

Well, Team, last week's Gang Out was a success in that we got a healthy bunch out to previously uncharted waters, and the HH followed by a show brought even a few more participants (and whether or not they actually "participated," I'll leave that up to history to decide).

This week we're sticking to the "there's a show worth seeing so let's try to be in the 'hood for it" theme. This week: Little Ethiopia.

6:30 or so (this part is democratic):
Queen Makeda - an appropriately Ethiopian establishment in Little Ethiopia.
El Sol - no web site so unsure about specials, but it's got a number of reviews, and PoP could use our rating...
Expo Lounge - probably not the cheapest or dive-i-est of all venues, but they've got hot cornbread & butter during HH...
1905 - 1/2 priced wine by the bottle utnil 7pm.

8:30pm (this is a bit oligarchical):
DC9 to watch "The Dig," or DC9 to rock it out downstairs. Thanks to a Gang Out contributor for this suggestion!

Vote, fools.

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