Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tonight's Theme Word: "Dyscoordinatedness"

If any word describes tonight's endeavors, it was the one above. Not one person made it to every stop on the road show, and there were casualties along the way...

Stop #1: Rails to Trails and WABA at Busboys where 2 HH'ers represented the Wednesday Gang Outers amongst the bike trails and ferrous parallel lines of DC. Factoid from Stop #1: a fascinating new traffic pattern announced for 15th street...

Stop #2: Counterculture Coffee, where 4 HH'ers came in late to an intimitate coffee community event and were banished to the front row to watch a presentation by Colombian coffee growers (mostly in Spanish, but beautifully translated). Their story was about how they learned that good coffee, done right, can fetch a better market price and improve their own quality of life (as well as the quality of the coffee). Organic, to them, was a positive side effect of doing it right. Factoid from Stop #2: this was the first time that anyone from the well-connected-to-the-coffee-industry crowd had had growers, distributers, vendors and consumers in the same room. Cool beans - pun intended.

Stop #3: Las Canteras Peruvian, which was scheduled to begin long before anyone could respectably "sneak out" of the front row of an intimate (and interesting) presentation. 2 non-coffee-counterculturalist HH'ers met here for a drink, and, given the empty state of the bar and the ill-fated time spill-over of the coffee event (pun intended), they decided to jump over to Bedrock Billiards. Team Canteras thence became Team Bedrock, but casualties ensued as we later learned that another two later arrived to reconstitute Team Canteras alone - there was no memo or cookie crumb trail. Factoid from Stop #3: Always leave cookie crumbs.

Stop #4: Bedrock Billiards, where Team Bedrock stayed for yet another beer and then, given the persistent absence of Team Counterculturalist Caffeinators, they headed to Amsterdam Falafel, hence renaming their Team, Team Falaferdam.

Stop #5: Amsterdam Falafel, where Team Counterculturalist Caffeinators merged with Team Falaferdam, creating Team Caffeinated Tzatziki, but only for a brief moment of time, and man was it needed:

Stop #6: Pharmacy Bar, where most of Team Gang Out was once again renamed, this time to Team Give Me a Drink and Some Pills Already... while Team Canteras, spared from such utter madness, played the cowbell to salsa music over a plate of lima beans. Tune in next time - because few earthly things will ever again reach this level of dyscoordinatedness...

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