Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Caps Lost, Nelly's Won, and Adem Broke Even

Team Gang Out (TGO) ventured out to Nelly's to join their team on the final night of the Caps/Penguins Stanley Cup series. The beer was remarkably light, the weather was great, and if you like sweet tea and you like Vodka, and for some reason you like to mix both of them with water at the same time, then Firefly is the drink for you.

Nelly's outed some new gang outers, and did its darndest to starve a couple others. An hour and ten minute wait for food may sound like torture to some, but not to those who had experienced far greater an atrocity the night before. The odds were 196 to 1, and one wise soul was in the market for a damn good payout of four shiny quarters if the Caps pulled through. Too bad they got klobbered.

So distraught was TGO about the defeat of the home-town-team (not to mention the discontentment surrounding a not-quite-fit-for-Fashion-Avenue display of Caps pride with heather red on Granny Smith red) that the obvious next step was to quit this peculiar bar that sells beer to kids with high school library IDs and take over the back room of Ben's Chili Bowl - a must-eat DC icon for the recently-transplanted.

And though it may have taken a good four attempts and one Michael Jackson tune to get its order in order, TGO set its chess clock to zero to count the seconds for the much-anticipated arrival of chilidogs, chili fries, chili burgers and half-smoked chili wieners. Before the sand had completely left the hourglass (and well before any overdramatic displays of how to drink icewater and listen to a friend on your left hand side ever took place) in walked the Knights from New York, who spiced things up being as XXX rated, and well-dressed as they were.

And even after such a disappointment from the Caps and a general stomach-turning about paying for food that was over an hour late, Ben's provided so much so quickly, even the opportunity to discover that Adem (sp?) had gone above and beyond (or should we say down and inside) by providing even more, and at the near-zero cost of a taxi cab reciept.

See you next week. Wear a helmet. Get on Nelly's' mailing list. Dress Romanian. Pack mace.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy, that sweet ass of yours had better call me!
