Thursday, March 26, 2009

Kan't Kwite Kope? Kome Kavort w/ Kris Kross @ Kostume Karaoke!

Solly's may have thought they'd been ravaged before when a taxicab plowed thru the bay window back in January, but further plowed they there stood as creative forces (and a few PBRs) let loose a Gang Out gone wild.

I know you wanna leave me; But I refuse to let you go; If I have to beg, plead for your sympathy; I don't mind 'cause you mean that much to me... Upon arriving at said democratically elected Gang Out location, the group found a fellow once-gang-outed ("Outed" for short) individual lounging at what was, in their book, the perfect American bar experience - prospective lawyers out there, take note. Only a couple of hours later, yet another Outed individual just so happened to be at this all-too-perfect of American bars. So without any clear intention on their part, the Gang Out refused to let these two go. You should really join us next time - after all, we ain't too proud to beg.

Reluctantly crouched at the starting line; Engines pumping and thumping in time; The green light flashes, the flags go up; Churning and burning, they yern for the cup... The night started out calm and collected, and on the ground floor, one might add. As the forces combined and the elixir elixed, 8:00 rolled around and we descended upon the upstairs. (is it absurd to descend upon the UPstairs? we hope so.) Unclear as to if it was the caress of the PBRs or the melodic rhythm of "Larry" - something got that party started... in costume. From lump to hump, and life to strife, we were going the distance.

Some days I pray for silence, and somedays I pray for soul; Some days I just pray to the God of Sex and Drums and Rock 'N Roll... And while costumes varied from Marge Simpson and Harriet the Untamed Shrubbery to Pocahontas and the Confederate Ladies Man, even the surprise of Kostume Karaoke and the mad beatz that were rocked didn't beat the surprise appearance of a Gang Out regular late in the evening and on cue. She may sport Xena garb, but everyone knows she won't do that.

Missed out? Lame. We met a professional karaoker with a hot kicking kick, a Howard University camera crew, and a somewhat irritated hostess who happily accepted tips in exchange for "queue readjustment..." Redeem yourself next week by rhyming with Vaseline, magazine, and tangerine... go!

1 comment:

  1. Last night may have been the greatest gang out in the history of Wednesday Happy Hours!!! SO FUN! (although painful to wake up this morning...)
