Tuesday, March 31, 2009

april fools?

well i think we made fools of ourselves last week. so no tomfoolery this week. let's just all get fooled by the beer. and perhaps some will fool around with one another. it would be foolish not to, eh? i wonder if any of these choices serve gooseberry fool....

(ok, i'll stop acting the fool)

1. duffy's. plain. simple. awesome.

2. asylum. always a good time.

3. rfd. finished a strong second last week in the polls.

4. vegetate. vegans are fun..

later fools.


  1. feel strongly one way or the other? leave a comment. plead your case. you can leave it anonymously if you want...

    using the comment section and polls will hopefully make this more interactive. gang out is owned by everyone. let your voices be heard!

    i chose asylum. but almost voted duffys. i could be persuaded...

  2. i just realized i can vote more than once... i'm starting to lose faith in democracy.

  3. What's so great about RFD? Have I ever been there? I want to go to Duffy's. I think that's where we should go. It's a great bar, great beer, darts, lots of room, and of course, great food. You can't have faith in democracy if you don't have faith in people.

  4. i think part of the draw to rfd is the location. on top of that, they are owned by the same people that own brickskeller. which means a few hundred beers and 30 on tap. also, they have a fairly robust bar food type menu:


  5. RFD is also a bar we haven't been to yet for HH

  6. I went RFD for location purposes. Be careful with the delirium, although it is not on tap.

  7. good point, jon. i didn't think of that...
