Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's Mother F*ing April, Fools (but the Gods just don't care)

April showers didn't keep tonight's cumulative group of close to 15 from turning out. And despite what some might have viewed as inclement weather, Gang Out took advantage of one of the season's rare opportunities to be outdoors with relatively muted pollen pollution - thank you Zeus for using Poseidon to aggress Maia... a good beginning to the evening, Janus - good form!

Gang Outers gathered for heavenly conversation under the relative shelter of a fortuitously-placed outdoor tent that was not entirely shielded from the elements (even stuffed cats that looked like owls). Wings, a deep variety of beers, and even a forearm-building gyroscope kept the crew alive until one fateful moment when such a rabble-rousing statement - surely an invocation of Libitina - was made: "Guys are much worse off when microbes get up their [thing] because there are two [tubes] that get messed up."

Believe you me, Vesta nearly fainted, Priapus was disappointed and Diana salivated for what was to come - surely this could only be madness. Thank goodness that Lucina was being spared in this most fellatious of dinner table conversations (and that goes without saying for dear Faunus).

Bacchus continued to toy with Terminus as comfortable, PC boundaries were crossed with greater and greater frequency. And when the Jasons had long gone and talk of garden-building, tee-shirt-making and "just taking it easy" had gone, even Appollo and Pomona could not keep this Gang Out crew from wallowing in wingspeeds of African and European swallows, in exploits with science teachers underneath the Gateway Arch, in machete talk, and in chest hair - and deep in chesthair, at that.

And while Juno may never protect the utterer of said question, but at least Priapus understands the need for such inquiry, check back next time to help answer this timeless question: "Do women have grundles?" Only Voluptas can say!

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